Not having enough photos
73% of guests pay the most attention to photos when viewing accommodation options – so make sure yours are appealing! We recommend investing in professional photos which capture your property’s best angles, aiming for at least 30 high quality shots.
Not optimising pricing
Many owners think that the cheaper they are, the more bookings they will get. Although this might be true in some cases, there are many other factors to consider; competition, seasonality, national holidays, commission and more.
Find out more in our vacation rental revenue management blog.
Listing on only one booking channel
We know they’re a lot to manage, but only listing on one or two booking sites can really limit your booking potential. Advertising your property on as many sites as possible will give you the best possible exposure. With TravelNest you can advertise on over 30 different sites.
Not including enough detail
Potential guests are looking for certain amenities in a property before they book, so if you don’t include them on your listing, you could miss out. Be a stickler for the details and make sure you have every single amenity you offer ticked off, so your listing appears in more search results.
Trying to do it all themselves
Updating your listing, setting pricing, keeping your calendar up to date, responding to guests, it’s a lot to take care of – especially when listing your property on multiple sites.
Luckily, TravelNest has the solution – a one-stop, integrated system which allows you to advertise on 30+ booking sites, managing everything in one place.